Crossfire in the 41st millenium
Crossfire using 40k miniatures units.
Should be able to be played using Epic Armageddon miniatures.
This has not been playtested at all, just some musing I thought and can't help but write out somewhere.
In particular Everything here would need points assigned for armybuilding.
For starters, the guardsmen (and their chaos equivalent) are the baseline humans and thus play identically like the original crossfire ww2 factions. All of them operates like the british, in that stands can only move if they are in LoS of their PC. Also using more dice for shooting. This makes combat deadlier for the baseline humans but balanced a bit for the tougher stuff. Default for rifle is 4, LMG and SMG 6.
Now here's the spicy stuff, everything is the same as vanilla game, with the addition of:
Optional alternate way to operate, if you can't or rather not use PCs for your infantry, make it so that stands that previously required LoS to PC to move now requires to be within LoS of each other of the same platoon at all times. Altough I guess this would make the namesake of the game invalid.
Universal mechanic: charging and group charging. When charging, it has to either end base-to-base contact with an enemy stand, or killed. It can arrive in CQC with a pinned or suppressed marker. TODO: make this more interesting and good, currently I don't think this is a really good idea.
Universal mechanic: Critical Hits. Natural dice roll of 6 is a critical hit, does not do anything by itself. ADDENDUM: Crits cannot be ignored??
Changing how Ineffective (this is what I am going to call the NO FIRE marker) a little bit. The shooting stand only gets the marker when they fail to worsen their target stand if they miss more than the target stand can ignore. For example, a stand that shoots 3 dice rolls a single hit against a SoB, which means they fail to worsen their target's state, however they do not get the Ineffective marker and can continue shooting again, but not targeting the same stand. Yes I realized that this could be hard to track, well that's a problem for future me (or whoever tries to continue this musing). I don't think this is necessary.
PC upgrade: Commissar. When a platoon is lead by a Commisar, they get to ignore 1 hit when they are charging, gets +1 to CQC roll, and +1 to rally when in LoS of enemy stand.
Unit type: Elites. Think of Kasrkins, Tempestus Scions. They operate like the German, in that every stand can move independently of their PC. They also get +1 to rally roll.
Unit type: Sisters of Battle. They get to ignore one successful hit every time they get shot at, gets +1 to their hit roll, and also +1 to CQC combats rolls. Operates like the British. Can be elites.
Unit type: Space Marines. +1 to shooting dice. They (I will not differentiate between firstborn and primaris here) get to ignore two hits. Gets +1 to shooting and CQC combat rolls. They also get +1 in rally rolls. Operates like the German. +1 to shooting dice if within LoS of PC and PC also in LoS of target. PC participate in CQC like squad stands with -1 to result.
Unit type: Heavy Marines, in this case they would be terminators and heavy intercessors. +1 to shooting dice and also +1 dice to roll. Get to ignore three hits. +1 to shooting and CQC combat rolls. +1 in rally rolls. Operates like the German. +1 to shooting dice if within LoS of PC and PC also in LoS of target. PC participate in CQC like squad stands with -1 to result.
ADDENDUM: Alternatively, instead of adding shooting dice, PC of Space Marines and Heavy Marines can also act like a squad stand but only 1 shooting die, and -1 in CQC compared to their squad stands. Always counts as near PC for the purpose of rallying.
Stand type: Ogryn. Can be attached to a platoon like how LMG normally would, they have the same stats as Space Marines, except the rally roll bonus.
Unit type: Tyranids Melee. Does not use PCs. Does not have any ranged weapon. Gets +1 in CQC, +2 in rally. Can still move and charge even if pinned. If Heavy, also ignore one incoming hit.
Unit type: Tyranids Ranged. Does not use PCs. Ranged weapon equivalent to a rifle. Can still move when pinned. -1 in CQC, +2 in rally. If Heavy, also ignore one incoming hit.
Unit type: T'au Breachers. -1 to CQC rolls. Weapon equivalent to SMG with one additional dice to roll.
Unit type: T'au Warriors. -2 to CQC rolls. Crits grants one additional hit when doing group fire or crossfire. Have the ability to combine squads. Cannot
Unit type: T'au Scouts. -3 to CQC rolls. Does not use PCs. +1 to rally. Crits of friendly shootings gets one additional hit if they have LoS to the targetted stand. Makes 5+ crits if the friendly shooting is a group fire or crossfire.
Unit upgrade: T'au Only, Gun Drone. Add one to Shooting dice.
Unit upgrade: T'au Only, Shield Drone. +1 to rally.
NOTE: Hits granted from crits are not themself crits.
NOTE: Units that does not use a PC does not have a crossfire potential.
Unit type: T'au Stealthsuits. Does not use PCs. Got no interesting idea for now.
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